martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

Thanks to a piano…

Hi there!

I’m going to tell you a love story that happened to me last year. I enjoy playing piano, i play it since i was 14 years old and it’s part of my life. Everything started when i recorded a piano cover, it was “Make Love” by Daft Punk and i uploaded it as an Instagram Storie.
Two or three hours later i received a DM by someone that i didn’t know he was following me and asked: “Is that Daft Punk? You play well, keep doing it!”
I was very very excited because of his compliment and i answered: “Yes, it is, do you like them? Also thank you!”
Finally the Instagram Storie disappeared but we were still talking about everything, he was very kind and nice with me and i discovered that he was german! I used to Like his pictures and he used to Like my pictures of course.
One day i realised that he liked me and it was a big surprise when that night he told me the same thing!!! We liked each other, i couldn’t believe it!!
Several months passed and we were totally in love but we didn’t try something “formal”, anyway he was seriously thinking to save money and travel to México and look for me, i was very nervous so i asked him: “are your sure? is not too much compromise for you”. He said that there was not problem with that but anyway i was very disappointed. The worst part came when he suddenly disappeared of Instagram, i sent a lot of messages to him but he didn’t respond anymore.
I was very sad because of that and since that day i don’t know nothing about him and still makes me feel worried.

I have a question for you guys, what would you do if you were me? Forget about him or look for him until you find him?

By: Gandhi Renata Pérez Mancilla.

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The end of something, Ernest Hemingway

By Karla Ruíz