domingo, 24 de marzo de 2019

Returning to the Action

     Almost two and a half years ago I returned to the wild in a very special camping of my Scout Group. We went to “Arcotete” in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas; That was our celebration camping, we were commemorating the anniversary of the group. I really like to camp, but I quit camping for a while since I left the Scouts and moved to Monterrey four years ago.

I used to go camping very frequently when I was a youngster, but not the tourist kind of camping. In our campings we didn’t use to bring comfort or luxury, Scouts are specialized in get comfort and happiness with the minimal resources and tools.

Since the Scout Movement was founded by Lord Baden Powell,  the functional structure is pretty much the same, small groups of children or youngsters leaded by an adult who takes the part of an older sibling that gives advice, encourages to accomplish objectives, gives support in many ways and helps the little siblings to face the life in a happy way as long as contributes to the integral formation as a human being. This camp was particularly special because it was my debut as the older brother to a community of around 10 teenagers. And so a new challenge had started.
Gustavo Calvo Frías 1ºU

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The end of something, Ernest Hemingway

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