martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018



I think this could be a funny story, because I never took a extra class before last year, most of everything I know is a empirical knowledge.
I think it is a big advantage if we're talking about certain vocabulary and some grammatical rules, but if someone ask me about a name of that rule, probably I won't know.

So, I started engish at kindergarten with basic vocabulary like the abc, colors and that kind of stuff. Then, at elementary school I started with something a little more difficult like some verbs and grammar rules.
Then, at Jr. High School I started liking some american boybands like Big Time Rush and One Direction, so I have to look for their lyrics and translations on internet. Some of the words were famiiar to me, but some others were not, so I started to realise some translations and I was adding more words to my vocabuary.

Then, I started to listening to some others artist from another english speaking coutries and learning some variatons of the lenguage and the different ways of interpretation and translation. Just in my own way, of course. 

So that's it I think (? I just want to say thank you to all the bands I used to listen and the ones I listen to now for all the knowedge I got :D

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The end of something, Ernest Hemingway

By Karla Ruíz