jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019

The Day When I met Carmelita Correa

My experience the day when I knew Carmelita Correa was a really neat one, I was so happy and sentimental because of her greatness in the track and field(athletics). I never use to have pictures with famous people but that day I couldn't lose that opportunity to talk to her and ask her a picture. The picture was taken by her sister, who is also a famous girl. Carmelita is the best pole vaulter of all Mexico. She was trained by my actual coach when she was just 10 years old. One of my best days ever, for real; I hugged her and we could talk a little bit, that was enough for me to be really happy. I couldn't forget that experience.

Family time in Cancún

In August 2017, me and my family went to Cancun on vacations. It was supposed to be for a wedding but it didn't turned out that way.
At first, I wasn't even planning to go because my mom was sick at the time, but she asked me to go, to get a little bit calm.
You should know that this travel was planned since June, two months earlier, but nobody told me until three weeks earlier. So all my shopping was very quick. My swimsuit was bought two days before we leave. And some dresses as well... It was so hurried.
Anyway, being there was one the most beautiful experiences i've ever lived. We didn't use to look for any tour, because my aunt's friends were our guides. We went to the mall, we bought clothes and a beautiful ring that reminds me that place. We spent most of the time in the hotel, pool and beach. Oh! And we also ate a lot of different food! Delicious, by the way.
In fact, we had the chance to meet people from another countries. Some guys from Canada, EEUU and even Iraq. They were so nice, so we still being in touch.

I haven't gone since then, but I wish I could. Honestly, one of my favorites trips. And actually we're planning to go soon ;)


the first time going to the beach by Manuel Alejandro López Melgar

It was when I was 10 years old, My dad received as a birthday gift, 4 tickets to Huatulco, then my family and I prepared everything to go, we were very nervous, especially me because I've never seen the sea in person, only on videos. when we arrivied to Huatulco was in the mornig, the gift was a 5 stars hotel to stay 3 days and 2 nights all paid, it was a ver expensive and a luxurious place, I decided to explore every place of the hotel and was a very safe place, I could go to the restaurant or the pools even on night without my parents, one thing I loved to do is swimming all day on the beach, it was sensation of pleasure and happiness. Those days were the best, time passed very fast and it was the last day staying in the hotel I wanted to swim one more time and then eat something delicious. I did it and then we went to a relatives house, the house was a restaurant too and we stayed there until night, because that was the time that the OCC would come, in the end, the trip to Huatulco was fantastic and I love the sea so much because of that, I enjoyed every day of it until the very end, I'd like to go to the beach one day again, I would like to post some pics of my trip but it was 14 years ago and I don't know where the pics of my family and I from the trip to Huatulco are, nevertheless, if I could go to the beach again, I'm definitely take pics of the place and my adventures on that place, thank you to read.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

The 3rd time in the hospital

I was in middle school when this happened. I used to do a lot of exercise so one day running and completing my routine I fell hurting my knee, all my weight got in my knee, I didn't take it seriously cause the fell wasn't that bad. Two days latter without stop my training and just putting creme for the pain on my knee it just started hurting so badly, I tried to get to my room and sit down but I couldn't even walk because I didn't feelt all my leg and nobody was in the hallway so I started crying and trying to ask for help, one of my friends came where I was and she just got shocked, after all that drama I finally got to the hospital for the 3rd time in the month so the doctor checked my knee and he told me that I hurt my knee because doing too much exercise. I hurt my knee tendon and I got three months of rest. If I would tried to walk in the moment I fell in the hallway I would received surgery but that wasn't my case. After all the drama and the horrible things I recovered and I don't exercise anymore.

-Stephany Ayala

The cancelled Japanese course and my frustration

When I discovered this career, something that got my attention was that there were courses for other languages besides English. On the official website was said that there were courses for French, Italian, German, Chinese, Corean, Japanese, among others…
I’m really, and I mean really interested in Asian languages, and the one that catches my interest the most is Japanese. I really love Japanese; I love its history, I love how it looks, I love how it sounds and…I really like videogames so, that’s another reason.
I started to study Japanese myself when I was in my last year of high school. In the beginning, it was a bit confusing, but that confusion only lasted like two weeks, and then I could understand how is it that Japanese works (its structure).
When you start learning Japanese the first thing that you must do is to learn its first two basic writing systems: hiragana and katakana (or kana to make it short), so that you can pass to the next level that is kanji. This last one is those typical symbols that we find really difficult at first sight, also kanji literally means Chinese letter.
Japanese is a language that has always got my interest, but if it wasn’t thanks to Duolingo(…yes, Duolingo you heard it right) I wouldn’t have done anything.
Hiragana was pretty easy to memorize and read, the hard part was (and still is) when it comes to write it. Katakana was actually way more easy, but even today, some symbols are difficult for me to write, but not that difficult like hiragana.
These the ones that are hard for me to write by hand:
Hiragana: (a)、や(ya)、ら(ra)、れ(re)、ろ(ro)、る(ru)、ね(ne)、れ(re)、め(me)、ぬ(nu)、ゆ(yu)(wo)
Katakana: (ya)、ヌ(nu)、ネ(ne)、シ(shi)、ツ(tsu)、ソ(so)、ン(n)、チ(chi)
You cannot just write all of them the way you want, because each one of them have their own order of strokes. If you don’t know the stroke order, you simply don’t know how to write.
And now, returning to the original subject; I was really excited and motivated that I could finally enter to an actual Japanese class.
I convinced my parents (specially my dad) so that I could enter. I reunited the money and obviously, I was really convinced that I could learn more efficiently and faster.
What was my surprise, when they told me, that only one person (besides me) wanted to enter the course…
Also they told me that they needed at least 10 people to properly start the course…
I got really pessimistic about the whole situation, and I was convinced that it wouldn’t happen… I was just being realistic, like the great Juan Carlos Bodoque in 31 Minutes said: ”I’m not a pessimist Tulio, I’m an optimist, well informed”.
In the end, one Thursday in the evening I got a call from school just to tell me that I could go to take back my money, because no one else besides me and the other person signed into the course…obviously I already expected it, but even so I got a bit sad. In life, you cannot always get what you want.
So, after all of this, I decided that I would continue to study by myself. I’m confident I can do it, even if takes more time, but I will do it…I really want to so…頑張ってます! (I’ll do my best!)

-Rosa de Jesus Hernandez Sayeg

My trip in cancún by Citlali Janeth Velazquez Gutierrez 1° "A"

My trip in cancún

Last year, on my birthday, I turned 18 years old, as a gift my parents gave me a trip to Cancún, a week before I turned 18, my mother and I prepared everything, clothes, the hotel was reserved by me, I check which places to visit, the travel tickets were bought by my mother, everything was ready. The next day, at dawn we traveled to not arrive very late, I could not sleep of the emotion and I did not sleep, I had a lot of energy, I listened to music while watching the road, other times I would watch series and others to read. When I saw the sea, I got very excited, when I got off the bus I promised to take advantage of all the time possible, we went to the hotel to leave our things and started to check out tours, we grabbed several, an era of Islas Mujeres, in this part I made a boat, I swam a lot and I ate a lot too, the other was 4x1, in this we visited, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, Valladolid and a very nice town that I do not remember what it is called, in each place we had a memory, the next day and the one that Impressive was Xcaret, a beautiful place, it is not finished to travel in one day, but 2 rivers swim, each river 40 minutes, but they were different and really beautiful, we had a buffet lunch in a cenote restaurant at the end of the day, there was a very beautiful show that we should all really see. The other days, we toured squares, beaches and parks of Cancun. My mom and I wanted to go to a dive, but they would not let me pass because I did not have a credential, but we promised to return to enter, it is very known for great shows they do.

Happiness by Hannia Elizabeth Pallares González 1° "A"

The last year, my family and i went to San Cristobal de las Casas, we used to go when i was youngest, but since my mom started to work we couldn't go anymore, so we were so excited.

We walked a lot,my sister gave me a bracelet and earrings,we went to the market and we missed haha, my mom was so angry because was her fault.

It was very cold  and my nose got red and my sister laughed when she saw it, but i didn't care about that because i was very happy.

We stayed in San Cristobal for two days and at the end we didn't want to go home.

Hannia Elizabeth Pallares González 1° "A"

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019

Trip with my friends - Xhunaxhi Mawcinitt Roman 1 "A"

My trip with my friends was an incredible experience.
When I was in high school, they used to organize a trip of generation because it was a way that all were together.
First, the trip was fun because we sing, listened to music, saw movies and played.
Along the way, before arriving in Queretaro the bus break down in the midnight but it was fun because we told horror stories.
The next morning the bus arrived for us, we went to breakfast and we continued our trip.
When we arrived in Guanajuato, we went to the hotel because we were tired and the next day we were going to visit.
The next morning we went to breakfast and we went to the "Cuervo del cubilete". We met many places, the most famous of Guanajuato but for me, the most fun was the park, there were many games, food, and concerts.

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2019

Miramar Tourist Center - Cesar Augusto Peréz Vázquez 1 - "A"

In our last trip, we decided to visit many tourist destinations, where the last was "Miramar" a very nice touristic center, this I particularly liked very much, because it is in the middle of the jungle, the weather is warm and though there isn't cell signal, the experience was amazing. 
We have a lot of fun despite that we didn't have any communication. We used to hear the sounds of the jungle and crickets too. Beside of our cabin, there was a river and we felt a little fear, it was a new experience for me.
At the night we needed to use a flashlight to illuminate our way, at midnight, my brother and I went to the bathroom, the surprise was waiting for us,  we walked illuminating our way when to half way we saw two snakes, we walked back to the cabin very quickly and slept.  Staying in a quiet place is very relaxing,  it was the best memory that I have and I'll never forget it.

Returning to the Action

     Almost two and a half years ago I returned to the wild in a very special camping of my Scout Group. We went to “Arcotete” in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas; That was our celebration camping, we were commemorating the anniversary of the group. I really like to camp, but I quit camping for a while since I left the Scouts and moved to Monterrey four years ago.

I used to go camping very frequently when I was a youngster, but not the tourist kind of camping. In our campings we didn’t use to bring comfort or luxury, Scouts are specialized in get comfort and happiness with the minimal resources and tools.

Since the Scout Movement was founded by Lord Baden Powell,  the functional structure is pretty much the same, small groups of children or youngsters leaded by an adult who takes the part of an older sibling that gives advice, encourages to accomplish objectives, gives support in many ways and helps the little siblings to face the life in a happy way as long as contributes to the integral formation as a human being. This camp was particularly special because it was my debut as the older brother to a community of around 10 teenagers. And so a new challenge had started.
Gustavo Calvo Frías 1ºU


In february of 2018 I went to Cancun with my dad and grandma on his car, it was a very good time because almost every year we used to travel to differents cities of Mexican Republic, sometimes to visit our family and others for pleausure.
This time in Cancun we went to different places because we used to stary in one.
When we arrived we used to eat and we realized what food it´s very expensive because on Cancun the money exchange is in dollars and my dad used to have only mexican pesos.
When we arrive to the hotel "Plaza Cancún" we did not think twice and we went into the pool and after a while, to the sea, it was too much fun spending time with my dad and grandma. After that, my father took the next day a boat tour to fishing, for the firts time I went fishing!!! at that time was very excited, I caught six fish and with those fish the capitan bout prepared us a ceviche and tasted very good. On the night of the same day, after fishing we went to a bar (my dad and I) to have a talk between father and son, was the best, in the bar met some friends who just visited Cancun too and they were very cool.
The next day we got up very early because we had another tour, we went to Tulum.When we arrived we bought two tickets, one for the entrance and other for a bike ride wich was the best, it was very good for me.
This story will continue...
This trip was made (my father told me) with the purpose that even I am his son, he still don´t know me and he wants to have more time father and son.

My trip to FIL Gdl 2016

In 2016 my mom and I went to Guadalajara,MX. to attend the Guadalajara International Book Fair, that is organized by the University of Guadalajara. I wanted to go because my favorite author was going to be there and I've been fan of his writting for years. On December 1st of 2016 we took out plane to Mexico City and then we were going to take another one to Guadalajara, but we had a delay on our first flight and because of that we missed our second flight. Fortunately there was another flight 30 minutes later so we took that. When we arrived there was someone waiting for us and he took us to our hotel which was located near the venue. In front of our hotel, there was a mexican restaurant so we went there to have lunch. After our lunch we headed to the book fair and I remember that, for the time we were there, we used to spend most of our day in the book fair. There was a lot of things to do and a lot to see. I bought many books and attended a lot of book presentations. 

George R. R. Martin

The worst vacations of my life-Jose Luis Torres Rodríguez 1- "A"

In all my life i only have had 3 vacations one with my parents when we went to acapulco for 2 weeks and two with my cousins the time we went to México and Guerrero. I will never forget the last one because we really had bad experiences with all kind of things that usually parents take care of like doing reservations on the hotel we are gonna stay before going or making a plan to don't spend more money that we have to. But after all those bad things that happened to us we finally learn how important is making a plan before going on vacations because you have to make sure you have all things covered and that way don't have to be worried for the things that can get wrong. Now we are planing making another trip to Puerto Vallarta but we are taking our time to think in all the stuff will need so we can go and don't have another bad experience like the last one so i guest that this time will be better and more organized.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

A funny story c:

Hi everyone!
I'm going to tell you about once when my family and I went to the beach. We used to go every two years, when we had more time and less expenses. We used to sleep at the same hotel, that was the habit ... The last time went all my family and the rooms was occupied by all them. So, we had to look for other room in another hotel nearby. Anyway...
I was driving an all-terrain vehicle at the beach, dad and mom were sharing the back seat. When the ATV was starting by me my dad was thrown by the arrancon  I didn't see him, mom either. So, we left. But obvious we went back for him haha and dad was very angry with me. .. He said me "I never won't teach you to drive a car" and that was right :c.
But anyway, it's OK, he's alive and that was very very funny.

Grutas de Rancho Nuevo - Andrea Ozuna Villasis 1- "A"

This history is about my travel in San Cristobal de las Casas

March 18th 2019.

We visited San Cistobal de las Casas, specifically in "Las grutas de Rancho Nuevo". 

The place is great to be quiet and smelled nature. We enter a cave or also called ''Grutas'' all was darkness and we lighted lamps. It's a touristic place where you saw big stalactites or stalagmites  and walked 110 meters. We had a tour guide, ''Stalactites secret minerals in drops of water and the water fell on another stalagmites to make it grow and at some time they join together'' was said by tour guide. Also, they had marble rocks where grew up inside the cave.

It was a experience really fanstastic. We wansn't knew about natural process of stalactites and stalagmites.

After, we went to eat in a restaurant and took many pictures.

Then on the afternoon, we visited walkers in San Cristobal de las Casas. There was a cold climate and we decided drank hot coffe and ate pizza in ''El punto''.

Finally, we came back home.

The end of something, Ernest Hemingway

By Karla Ruíz