martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

How videogames helped me to learn English

How videogames helped me to learn English

Playing video games is something I love doing, but it all started when I was 8 years old when my father gave me my first game console: it was a GameBoy advance SP and it came with a Pokémon game (Pokemon Sapphire to be exact), that was my first contact with video games. I didn't know what i was doing in the game because it was in english but i manage to play the game and learn some words in English, at that time i was moving to other home and i met my neighbors, Rene and Andres, they lived in the United States we became best friends, one day i saw both of them playing videogames on some portatile console and i ask what were they doing and they answered "playing Pokemon" They were playing on a GameBoy Advance!!! Then I told them that i had a Pokemon game to so they asked my to bring it  and play and I did it, they showed me things that I didn't now about the game, at the same time I was asking them about some words in english and they told me the meaning. They had a Playstation 3 from the United States and all the games they had were in English and when we were playing I didn't now what we had to do so they helped me again translating the words. At that time thanks to my friends and videogames I had a little bit of English vocabulary. Now days I keep playing videogames and i own at least 132 videogames between my xbox 360 and pc (I know... I don't have life) thanks to the technological advance of the online games you can talk with others players all over the world and thanks to that I know many friends from the United states and hispanic countrys. I had never take English classes, all my vocabulary, knowledge and cultural knowledge from the US that i know is thanks to the videogames and persons that helped me.

                                                  (This are my favorite video games)

-Carlos Alberto Cruz Aquino
This story is about a trip.
 we visited several pyramids and a small museum. the place was very nice after we went to the park and then visited the museum. We had a great time, we went back to my friend's house, by the way, it was very nice, we had a great time because we ate a lot of pizza.

 The next morning we went to eat at the park and my friends and I went to walk to the park. There I met a very beautiful girl who lives in Puebla, her name was Sofia, then we talked a little and now she is one of my best friends.


Well, this is a litle history, experience, event, whatever of me.

Everything started when I was in the junior school, I had a friend, a good friend, but she liked me, her name is, or was, or we're going to put her Alicia,and I liked so much. When do we start the elementary school, everything changed; Yes, absolutely changed. She met to another girls, and had a boyfriend....  I couldn't tell her any day, I couldn't, why? I don't know, well, I met to another girl, Ariadna, she was intelligent, crazy, veeery crazy like me.

I wanted to meet her better, and after I told her what happened with Alicia,  She could help me to forget her, I could foget her, I did my things without think in her, I could make everything, everything until.... a party.
A lot of guys received a imbox, where said, ''You are invited to my party, u can come?'', I didn't wanna go, but Ariadna told me that I needed to go, she could convinced me, And well... here come the best part.

I went to her home, I played with someone guys and I wanted smoke alone, I left alone to my friend and I was smoking, when my friend opened the door and told me that she wanted to smoke too, and there we were, until.... Alicia got in, and she was drunk, and said things without sense, Ariadna went for water and there we were, The girl that ever liked me, ever loved her, we spoke of everything, how do we get away?, and I thought, ''is the moment, tell her right now!'' I confessed her everything.... and for a moment, for a few seconds, were the seconds more large to my life, everything was, Silence, Silence, we saw us, for those seconds, our hearts beat very fast and.... we kissed.

wasn't my girlfriend, just was a moment, the best moment.
-Lopez Lievano-

Thanks to a piano…

Hi there!

I’m going to tell you a love story that happened to me last year. I enjoy playing piano, i play it since i was 14 years old and it’s part of my life. Everything started when i recorded a piano cover, it was “Make Love” by Daft Punk and i uploaded it as an Instagram Storie.
Two or three hours later i received a DM by someone that i didn’t know he was following me and asked: “Is that Daft Punk? You play well, keep doing it!”
I was very very excited because of his compliment and i answered: “Yes, it is, do you like them? Also thank you!”
Finally the Instagram Storie disappeared but we were still talking about everything, he was very kind and nice with me and i discovered that he was german! I used to Like his pictures and he used to Like my pictures of course.
One day i realised that he liked me and it was a big surprise when that night he told me the same thing!!! We liked each other, i couldn’t believe it!!
Several months passed and we were totally in love but we didn’t try something “formal”, anyway he was seriously thinking to save money and travel to México and look for me, i was very nervous so i asked him: “are your sure? is not too much compromise for you”. He said that there was not problem with that but anyway i was very disappointed. The worst part came when he suddenly disappeared of Instagram, i sent a lot of messages to him but he didn’t respond anymore.
I was very sad because of that and since that day i don’t know nothing about him and still makes me feel worried.

I have a question for you guys, what would you do if you were me? Forget about him or look for him until you find him?

By: Gandhi Renata Pérez Mancilla.

Best day.

I want to tell you of the pleasurable experiencies that have impressed me. Isla Aguada is a place that is located in Campeche, it is an almost virgin island, it is very Little know, there you can enjoy a delicious meal, a hot climate an excellent experiences, you can see dolphins near you and you can practice cayac, definitely an experiencia to remember and share. I hope you liked it.

Blanca Valeria Román Flores.


Hello everyone, I want to tell you about a strange and nice experience for me.

Approximate 2 years ago, I went to my grandparent's home with my sister, and I met a boy in the bus, he was listening to music and I saw that he was listening to High school Musical.

My sister and I couldn't believe it. I said her "OMG, is real?!" I was so excited because is REALLY HARD find people who likes that music, so, I didn't know what to do haha, and I told him "Hi, do you like High School Musical?" (I was so nervous and excited) and he told me "Yes, do you want a headphone?" OH MY GOD, I was so happy for meet someone like him, we didn't speak a lot but I was really happy.

Later, I had to go and I just told him that I hoped we would meet someday. Maybe he would be love of my life haha, but, when I arrived to my home, I looked for him in Facebook and I saw he is gay hahaha, it's sad, but it was so great!

By: Daniela Montero Morales.

Tattoos story about

Hello guys! I'm going to tell you about my history with the tattoos.

First of all, I started getting tattoos at age of 16, like any rebellious teenage girl I hid from my parents.
I spent a lot of time hiding it because over time I started doing more and more tattoos. As the days passed, it was more difficult to continue with that.
Until one day, by accident my mom saw one of the tattoos and she asked me what it was; I was very nervous and I was shocked because I didn't know what to say. At that time, I realized how serious it was to hide so many tattoos at the same time, because one wasn't the big deal, but they were 7!
I spent almost 2 years wearing long sleeves, sweaters and things that covered me to prevent them from knowing, but in the end all my sacrifice was in vain.
About 3 months ago, my mom got anonymous messages from a fake account, telling her horrible things about me. Amoung all those messages that person said that I was full of tattoos.
Of course that person had enough evidence against me, and my mom believed on that.
We had a pretty tense talk, but thank God, she managed to understand it with my dad.
It has been difficult for them to overcome it and assimilate it, but over time I know that they will be able to achieve it.
Currently thanks to that person, my parents and I have a good and better relationship, and we trust each other.

I hope u like my little story.
See u guys!
Carolina Pérez.



I think this could be a funny story, because I never took a extra class before last year, most of everything I know is a empirical knowledge.
I think it is a big advantage if we're talking about certain vocabulary and some grammatical rules, but if someone ask me about a name of that rule, probably I won't know.

So, I started engish at kindergarten with basic vocabulary like the abc, colors and that kind of stuff. Then, at elementary school I started with something a little more difficult like some verbs and grammar rules.
Then, at Jr. High School I started liking some american boybands like Big Time Rush and One Direction, so I have to look for their lyrics and translations on internet. Some of the words were famiiar to me, but some others were not, so I started to realise some translations and I was adding more words to my vocabuary.

Then, I started to listening to some others artist from another english speaking coutries and learning some variatons of the lenguage and the different ways of interpretation and translation. Just in my own way, of course. 

So that's it I think (? I just want to say thank you to all the bands I used to listen and the ones I listen to now for all the knowedge I got :D

Teo is my pet and she is a chicken. LOL.

She is eight months old and has been with me since it was a simple egg. It was me who helped her out of the shell because the hen that was empoying her abandoned them.

She was living in my room for the first three weeks of her life. She had it in a small box of shoes with shavings and a spotlight provided her with heat.

My granny put her Teófilo, thinking she was a rooster so at home we started calling her Teo and got used quickly. Teo followed us around the house and always wanted to be by our feet to sleep.

At first, I did not know what to feed her since the hens regurgitate the food for the chicks. My granny said to give her a dough porridge with little water and so little by little, Teo was growing. When she went out into the yard it was funny to see the little chick fight for a big worm.

I expected that Teo was a great cock like his dad but it was not like that, it turned out to be a chicken but it is a beautiful and angry chicken. We always eat together because she has a habit of going to the kitchen and knocking on the door waiting for food. Teo loves madly to eat meat and fish, I've used her to eat everything but also because of that, she often stops and pecks when you do not give her what she wants. I have it very spoiled.

Currently, she has laid her first eggs and is brooding so yes, I feel like a mother how much daughter is about to make her grandmother.

By Maybelline F. Teco.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018


Hello everyone today I want to tell you the story about of the one of my favorites day in the life,
3 years ago in atlixco de las flores puebla, my family decided to go for a day just because they want to jump from the parachute, so we traveled from CDMX to ATLIXCO DE LAS FLORES PUEBLA, we were looking for "SKYDIVE" the day was a little sunny, the skydive people explained them how to jump, what can they do if anything was wrong up there, at this moment I have to tell you something, the original idea for jump was for my brothers and my sister, because I really was afraid of heights, since I was a little girl I never liked it, now continue with the story, they were listening to them and I was closer with my parents, my sister asked my if I can choose a parachute for her 
so I choose one and then I did, a girl told me:
-If you want you can try it and we can take a picture on the plane .
I tough that could be a great idea, so I try it when they finished to put it to me, my sister told me:
-You ready? 
and I was like:
-Yes you like?
she laugh a lot I was happy until someone yell outside :
"Everybody ready? it's time to get in the plane" 
 I remember I told to my sister:
-Get luck 
-You need more than  me .
I was confused, everybody became to get in the plane, I was trying to get out of there until the pilot asked me if something were happing 
I explained that I didn't jump he asked for my name, I told him and he said:
-your name is here, look
I saw to my brothers and they told me 
-Surprise, we payed for it, it's time to overcome your fears.
That's when I understood all, they lied to me all the time but the plane was already flying up, the moment arrived I really was afraid but I did, I still thinking how I just did, I did and I felt free, I felt alive, that's when I saw the beautiful landscape and I though there's nothing else to be afraid off, when everything was over I couldn't belive, in fact when we finally were at the floor, two guys helped me to walk because I couldn't stand up LOL, that was the story hope you liked and if you have something similar please share with us in the comments 


-Citlalli Rubi Lopez Sanvicente.


                                                                 HOW I MEET HER

Hi everyone today I want to tell you the story about how I meet citlalli, the craziest girl in our class.
First day in the university, I sat next to her, but I didn't speak to her because i'm shy  and everything was uncomfortable for me, until she asked for my name I told her and she started to talk a lot while my answers were quite short but she really was very friendly with me, she's crazy and I've never meet somebody like her, but is also a beautiful person, I just can't stop to laugh when I'm with her , she's so funny, I think she's like a meme, you know what I mean, now we are all the time together, we complement each other so well, is the funniest, craziest and most beautiful friendship.

- Patricia Velasco Osorio
called pati the duck, cuack cuack.

magic places

The last month I visited a magic place with my family.
Lagunas de Montebello is in Comitán.
a little part of the lake  

I saw Lagunas de Montebello only in pics before 
the trip and I was just overwhelmed with my family.

I never saw water so clean in a lake, I drank water straight from the lake and it tasted like Earth and pureness.
The boat ride was amazing and it made me conscious how
lucky I am for lives here.
it was incredible. 

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2018

My home, Oaxaca, your home.

First of all, I want to tell you how in love with your architecture, especially in the tourist walker and the church of Santo Domingo, is a colonial style architecture that remains intact and beautiful to this day, also the zocalo of the city is very beautiful and cheerful, there are usually children playing with balloons, bubbles, enjoying a corn, gentlemen drinking coffee, couples in love eating fair, on weekends the orchestra "Bajo el Laurel" gives a danzon concert where everyone is invited to go dancing and have an unforgettable time.

Second is the food, is simply spectacular, all my life I've consumed it, that's why I'm like I'm haha, but well that does not take away the delicious. defiitivamente when they decide to come can not miss the following  list of dishes and appetizers that definitely have to try:
Tlayudas: very large tortillas with a base of pork seat and bean paste, with quesillo, tomato, avocado, piece of meat enchilada, tasajo and quesillo, many call it oaxaqueña pizza.
Second, they empanadas, they are thick totillitas of artisanal mass with beans and quesillo and they are simple but delicious.
Grasshoppers are another delicacy that we can find abundantly in my state, many people are afraid and even disgust, but I love them with my whole being, they are very rich and have great protein intake.

In short there is a lot of things that I do not even know what to put, for example, tejate, piedrazos, las nieves, tamalitos, yellow bread, puff pastries, pumpkin seeds, mole, stew, but, even until there if not this blog will be too long hehe

Finally, I could say that your textiles are simply works of art, my favorite is the tehuana dress, I love the flowers and the design, its history and its mystery, I would like to wear it some day.

Without a doubt Oaxaca and Chiapas are the two most beautiful states in Mexico, I love Chiapas but I wanted to share them, and it is a great blessing to write my story in these two wonderful places.

by: Amairani Aline Santos Ramos

About Oaxaca

Hello classmates it is a pleasure to greet you, in my note of this blog i’m going to write you a bit of culture from my home state Oaxaca, in case some day you like to visit me with pleasure I offer you a place to sleep, lunch, and a great tour.

First of all, I want to tell you how in love with your architecture, especially in the tourist walker and the church of Santo Domingo, is a colonial style architecture that remains intact and beautiful to this day, also the zocalo of the city is very beautiful and cheerful, there are usually children playing with balloons, bubbles, enjoying a corn, gentlemen drinking coffee, couples in love eating fair, on weekends the orchestra "Bajo el Laurel" gives a danzon concert where everyone is invited to go dancing and have an unforgettable time.


Second is the food, is simply spectacular, all my life I've consumed it, that's why I'm like I'm haha, but well that does not take away the delicious. defiitivamente when they decide to come can not miss the following  list of dishes and appetizers that definitely have to try:

Tlayudas: very large tortillas with a base of pork seat and bean paste, with quesillo, tomato, avocado, piece of meat enchilada, tasajo and quesillo, many call it oaxaqueña pizza.

Second, they empanadas, they are thick totillitas of artisanal mass with beans and quesillo and they are simple but delicious

Grasshoppers are another delicacy that we can find abundantly in my state, many people are afraid and even disgust, but I love them with my whole being, they are very rich and have great protein intake.

In short there is a lot of things that I do not even know what to put, for example, tejate, piedrazos, las nieves, tamalitos, yellow bread, puff pastries, pumpkin seeds, mole, stew, but, even until there if not this blog will be too long hehe


Finally, I could say that your textiles are simply works of art, my favorite is the tehuana dress, I love the flowers and the design, its history and its mystery, I would like to wear it some day.

Without a doubt Oaxaca and Chiapas are the two most beautiful states in Mexico, I love Chiapas but I wanted to share them, and it is a great blessing to write my story in these two wonderful places.


Hello guys! :u
I'm going to tell you a story about my first cat, his name is canijillo.

Well, when I was in the second year of high school, I went to eat with my friends in the last table of the dining rooms, side there was an old car with the windows open, I not had realized there was a kitten, some girls of the others groups approached us and told us that teachers were pulling the kittens into the street and there was one in the car which no teachers had not seen they asked us if not we wanted to take, so one of my friends decided that she would take him, we get all the books in her backpack and we went to the kitty there, missing 3 hours to exit the school, and if the cat cried could remove them and would not know what would happen with so in the following classes every cat cried we had to meow so they would not notice, I'm grateful that most of those 3 hours are spent sleeping, the next day my friend comes back with the cat, she told us that her parents had not left him to have it and will return it to the school then there we were meowing in all the classes, the last time of the class my brother went to my class room, my brother discovered that we had a kitten and as we find owner yet, decided to take it and risk, when I got home the cat was 2 hours without my parents noticing, until my brother leave open the door of his room and my mom went, saw him, scolding us, get attached and then bought him a bottle of milk and so far he's with us and other 9 cats :D

the best photo of him @.@

Memories and family

Memories and Family

The last year, I traveled to Mexico city together with my family.


At the beginning, we went to eat chilaquiles. Later, we went to Six Flags Mexico, I was very happy, I played many games with 
my dad.We were anxious while my mom  was nervous.



 They were eating many sweets while I was  buying lots of  souvenirs for  friends and family. After we participated in the Mardi Gras carnaval.


Finally, we traveled to Cuernavaca Morelos to visit my uncles, we were very happy to be together, we were a week eating many tacos, waching tv and visiting
various places.

- Stephanie Paulina Vargas Hernandez 

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018


Hello guys!! I´ll tell you about my gradpa´s suprise party.

A year ago, exactly on September 19; it was my grandfather´s birthday, that day all my uncles agreed to celebrate his birthday at home, the party  was at night sine it was a dinner, well that day rauned a lot, but it didn´t matter even so we went to the house from my granpa. My mom, my sister, my cousins and i get wet by the rain, as usual we always arrive late hahaha. the thing is that when we finally arrived, all my uncles werw already there, angry and they made fun of us because therain caught us. 

After dinner was serberd, we al went to the table to eat. then my cousins sang the mañanitas "supposedly" because they don´t know how sing hahahaha, they were singinga great time and we had a good time. finaly, it was time to leave the cke we all sang and they gave us cake , as usual, we were taking pictures of all the members of the family, starting with the children, Then grandchildren,daughters-in-law, nephews; we do this to share how we have been changing and see hw grown the family hahaha. the truth was very nice to celebrate, spend time with family and enjoy every moment with my grandpa.




thank you for read.

By Cecilia Orozco Valle

The end of something, Ernest Hemingway

By Karla Ruíz