lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

"The best trip of the year" by Karina Isabel Espinosa Urbina

On january 13 i traveled for the first time by plane was amazing, i arrived in Guadalajara at 8:30 am for me it was col, since i come from a very hot place. The city seemed beautiful to me, even with cold i enjoyed walking every one of the streets of the place.  I brought a ticket for the city bus, i was in the mariachi square. I not traveled now, the experience that i liked the most was the tour in Tequila and the Jose Cuervo train, i hope  to return to that place again.

My first time to Mexico City. Gabriela Aracely Castellanos Rodríguez. 1o A

 My first time to Mexico City

A long time ago, in 2012, I went to Mexico City with my family for the first time in my life.
I remember feeling excited because we had arrived on my birthday and the first thing we did after leaving our suitcases at my cousin's department, was to go to the Basilica of Guadalupe. Even though it was full of people, the place was so beautiful that it didn't matter that we were tossed around by the crowd. I remember that we took pictures and walked around for a while.
My cousin who lived there took us to a lot of beautiful and exciting places, like museums, the Independence Angel, and small tourist places she thought we could enjoy.
We went to the Museo Papalotedel Niño, which was the funniest thing we did because my other cousin and I played a lot and got lost over ten times. We didn't have phones back then, and we got desperate when we couldn't find the rest of our family, but going up and down the building using slides wasn't that bad.
That's still one of the most memorable trips I've made in my life, and even now we laugh at the memories we made back then. I hope I can go again sometime.
by Karla Paulina Ruiz

I have vsited Tapachula the last winter, in december, we were going to celebrate the New Year's Eve. I remember that when we arrived to the city, it was too hot, more than Tuxtla, I guess... but i actually liked it, a lot. I remember that we had to ask for a taxi to guide us to the house where we were going to stay until January 3rd. Then the first thing that my cousins and I did is that we went to Domino's and we bought a pizza and we took it to our house.
It was kind of boring, to be honest, but I liked because the place was so quiet and we actually were having a nice moment. The next day we went to Plaza Galerias, to buy some food and things that my aunt wanted to buy. 
Then we went to another house, where the family of my aunt were wainting for us to start the dinner for the New Years Eve, it was beautiful and there were a lot of emotions. On January 2nd we went to the beach, called Puerto Madero. It was a sunny day, when we got to the beach we felt truly relieved and then we ran to the sea, it was beautiful and we had so much fun, it was the second time that i visited the beach, the first time i went to a nice place called South Padre Island, Texas.
The next day we went to a small dinner with my aunt's sister in law, that was our last day in Tapachula and i would love to go again.

The first time I was in a concert. Guadalupe Lizeth Zea Constantino. 1° "A"

The first time I was in a concert... of the best experiences I has had in my life.
I traveled to México with my sister and her boyfriend. I remember that the trip was not the best, a lot of things happened that we didn't have programed, but I didn't really care, what interested me was the concert and I had an amazing time. I laughed, shouted, told, sang and jumped a lot.
We arrived at the sun forum early and we had a good view of the stage, but the concert was until the evening and we stood a long time, by the time the Arctic Monkeys band came out, we were exhausted form waiting so long, but that didn't stop us from singing and enjoy it.

The time I visited the Africam Safari in Puebla by Citlali Dalí Medina González 1°A

Back in 2015 my cousin gave my grandma a gift for christmas which was a trip to puebla and tickets to the Africam Safari zoo that's near the town. As I was pretty young, my mom decided to take me with them and experience my first out of state trip. I'm glad I can say it was pretty exciting and I really enjoyed it. back when I was 14, I developped a huge love for giraffes and I started liking them and they became my favorite animal since then. I remember I was so excited about interacting with the giraffes since I had never seen one of those cute and tall animals. Unfortunately I couldn't get out of the car we were in and the guide said there wasn't any other interaction with giraffes than that so that was kinda sad but anyways, I got the opportunity to take a picture in a nice timing and keep it as an important memorie I have and will always preserve in my heart. I get to say I'm pretty proud of the picture I took and I hope someday I'll have the opportunity to have a 100% contact with a giraffe.

My experience at a concert, by Ana Victoria García Gómez

Two years ago I went to Mexico City to a concert; it was from one of my favorite artist, Ed Sheeran.
I woke up really early that morning, I think it was around 7am, but I wanted to arrive early to be one of the first ones in line.
But that didn’t happen, we were going to have breakfast but my mom wanted to find a restaurant in particular and we couldn’t found it for a really long time till she finally found it.
So, we got late to the line, but it wasn’t that bad, we got there at 12pm and there wasn’t many people yet. We wait a really long time because the concert started at 8pm. We ate there but it wasn’t a real meal, they were snacks, cause that was the only thing they were selling.
I met a lot of girls and actually I found some girls from Chiapas, we talked for a really long time till the concert started.
The time finally came, the concert started, the arena was full, the lights went off, everybody were screaming including myself, it was awesome, the concert last about two hours, in the middle of it, he wore a “sombrero de charro” and a shirt from the soccer team of Mexico, he was super nice and tried to spoke in Spanish.
It was an amazing experience and I would definitely do it again.

My experience traveling for the first time to San Cristobal by Ashley Jasmin Trujillo Ruiz

 It all started on March 9, 2019, I traveled to San Cristobal because I was very intrigued to know that place, March 9 was my birthday and by surprise my boyfriend and my friend took me to meet him, I must admit that I was very nervous. Upon arriving at the place everything was really beautiful it was as I imagined, we had breakfast cakes just when we arrived in order to undertake the walk through the streets of this place and know many things; It made us hungrier and we ate three-peso tacos, that made my friend have a stomachache so I bought some pills and everything returned to normal even though I was walking a little funny, we took lots of pictures next to paintings there, I bought many bracelets for my friends and friends and they really liked it. Everything was very beautiful, the best experience and birthday gift that I think San Cristobal is a place to spend great pleasant times.

My first time in an aquarium by Sofía de Jesús Hernández Pérez 1° "A"

Hi! I'm going to talk about the first time I visited Veracruz, and especially, the aquarium that there is. Well, one year ago, my mom decided to travel to Veracruz with my siblings and my nephews (and all the family) to visit the aquarium. We started our travel in a tiny car, so we felt very uncomfortable, and the ride (almost 14 hours) left all of us very tired and cramped; but the trip was funny, we were all over another one, and my brother even slept with my nephew's foot in his face.

When we arrived to Veracruz, we were very relieved and finally we could sleep in a comfortable bed. It had never felt so good to sleep in one.

The next day, we prepared to go to the aquarium, and I was very excited because it was my first time visiting one, and my mom told me so many things about it, how beautiful the aquarium were, the fishes and dolphins, ahh.

Finally, we went to the aquarium and it was really beautiful: there were many species of fishes, dolphins, mantarays (I was shocked with them),  big turtles, I could even touch sea stars. The whole travel was so wonderful and awesome!

Sofía de Jesús Hernández Pérez 1° "A"

My trip to Quebec

Last year i had the chance to experience life in another country. I had a hard time figuring out what i wanted to do after i finished high school, i wasn’t really sure i wanted to start studying right away. I really wanted to experience living in another culture and i never continued learning french so i thought it would be great to study another language in a different country. That’s why i decided to go to Quebec, Canada.
I arrived there in August 2018, i was super excited and honestly i didn’t knew what to expect. It was going to be the longest time i had ever spent without my family and the first time i ever travelled all alone. But i wasn’t scared of getting to meet new people or having to face a whole new culture and a different language by myself.
I lived with a really lovely lady named Martine, she practically adopted me and she had two dogs that were a little bit annoying but cute. I went to french classes in the morning and had the rest of the day free to get to know the city and explore. I absolutely loved my school, specially the teachers, they were all really nice to me and fun to be around, their classes were so good i went from A 1.1 to C1 in five months.
The city was really pretty, not big but not small either. My favorite part of the city was “the old Quebec” because the houses and the establishments there have a really nice architecture and give out an old and rustic vibe. I visited other cities outside of Quebec city like Montreal, but still my favorite city in the province was Quebec city.
Regardless of all the things i did and all the new things that i learnt, my favorite part of the trip were the friends i made. I’m sure that without them it wouldn’t had been the same, they became my family pretty quickly. I was lucky to find people with whom i got along so easily. I still talk to most of them almost everyday, i miss them so much and i really look forward to visiting some of them soon.

My first day in highschool by José Mario Zambrano Ruiz

The first day I went to highschool I was very nervous because I did not know how it could be this part of my life.
Fiest I was a little confused about everything because I had never been in that place before. The first thing I did in the moment I came was looking for someone to ask about our classrooms and how I could get into them.
Luckily when I was walking in the schoolyard  I found some old friend  so I asked them abiut how to get in the right classroom but neither they couldn not find it and together we tried to find someone who could know about the classrooms. When we finally found someone, our first class had done and we did not enter.
After on recess we went to the cafeteria to buy something to eat but it was so crowded! It took us about fourty minutes to order something and the recess just lasted thirty minutes, so we get late for our class again.
At the end of classes we felt tired so we onoy said goodbye each other and everyone went to their home. 
And that is how I lived my first day in highschool...

An experience in San Cristobal de las Casas by Adamarys Molina Vazquez

On September 27 we met at the faculty ready to go to San Cristobal de las Casas with my classmates. The first trip with my friends from the degree was amazing.
We arrived at S.C.C at 2:30 p.m., for me it was too cold since I come from a very hot place. We stayed in a house near the forest, the house was beautiful with  spectacular scenery. At 6:00 p.m we get ready to get to know the park and the city center. We ran through bad luck because it was raining bet we still stayed to enjoy rain accompanied by a very rich chocolate. We went to a karaoke with Mr. José, we had a great time singing very happy. The next day I woke up at 7:00 am to be in the central park at 10:00 am as Mr. José told us to record one of the monuments that S.C.C has in pairs. My partner Edgar Jacinto and I decided to talk about  "Alberto D.'s fine arts room". It was a very interesing moment since I met about other cultures. The video had to be an interpretation of English-Spanish. At 5:00 pm we were arriving at Tuxtla Gutierrez. It was one of the most fun experiences in such a short time.

My trip to Queretaro By: Ana Cristina Figeroa Bravo 1"A"

My trip to Queretaro, México

About six years ago I traveled to Queretaro for the first time, my family and I decided to visit my cousins. Our main trip was to Mexico City, from there the bus was taken by us to reach Tequisquiapan, Quéretaro. Their house is big so there was no problem staying for several days. The second day, my cousins took me for a ride, the quad bike was driven by my cousin Alejandro.
 After, we traveled in a hot air balloon, I have never seen such a beautiful sight. The aerostatic balloon was manipulated by a very kind man. It was the best experience. In the last week, when we were buying the return tickets, we decided to go to LA PEÑA DE BERNAL a mountain of 288 meters high. The mountain was almost climbed by me and my dad. But he has a knee injury so we didn’t. But we haven’t forgotten the wonderful view.

My vacation in CDMX by Edgar Jacinto Cordoba

Last year I had the opportunity to spent my December vacation with my big sister, in Mexico city, my sister couldn’t go to our hometown for the holidays do to her work, so my parents decided to send me, so I can spend Christmas with her, I had never went to Mexico City before so it was very exciting and a bit nervous, I arrived a Saturday afternoon, my sister went to pick me up in the bus station and we took an UBER back to her department.

I was very hungry from my 12-hour bus drive, so my sister took me to a Chinese buffet where we ate like kings, and was very cheap, after that we went to the center to walk around and see the palace of fine arts, the national museum and the national park.
The next day we went to the Latin-American tower, we went over 100 feet high! The view was incomparable we saw everything from miles away, we took a lot of pictures and bought a souvenir, after that we went to a Korean shop to buy some Knick-knacks I bought a bear shaped pillow and a face mask, we were very hungry so we decided to make a to in Dominos and bought a big size pepperoni pizza.

That same day in the afternoon we went to Chapultepec Park, we took a ride in a fictional swan in the humongous lake, it was extremely fun and destressing, we bought sunglasses and hats, later on we went to see the zoo, it was so big and diverse, they had pandas, snakes, spiders, butterflies, insects, birds, and many more animals. The trip was so amazing, I hope I can repeat it this year. 

OCARINA by Garita Dahamary


I had the opportunity to take a course to learn ocarina in San Cristóbal de las Casas, which was given by the friend of the teacher laughs watanabe and two other friends who came from Japan, Shōno Fumiya and the teacher (I do not remember his name ), were in charge of giving classes on the bamboo flute.

 I tried to play the bamboo flute but it was very difficult for me then I tried the ocarina, which was given to me and it was a new experience, along with the friend of the profane Rie, the ocarinas were brought by the friend of the profane Rie.

We had the opportunity to present ourselves at the Na Bolom Museum, there was our participation first and then the participation of bamboo flute And not only were they there, but also violinists had been invited which they could play in the recital, as well as the talented teachers that we had been given in the course, as the friend of the Watanabe teacher Shōno Fumiya and her teacher giving us an incredible experience.

 After this we were given the opportunity to dance, obviously a very quiet dance, nothing extravagant and I had the opportunity to take a picture with Shōno Fumiya but unfortunately I could not do the same with his teacher, this was a beautiful experience that I will keep in my mind.

THE MOST MAGICAL TRIP.    By Esteban Félix Espinosa 1A

 2 years ago, my family and I traveled to Cancun, where my older sister lives.  For me, it has been the most beautiful trip I've ever had with my family.  We went in the beginning of december of 2017, and we stayed until january of 2018.  As good mexicans, the first thing we did when we arrived, was having lunch.  Then, we looked for the house we had been booked.  The first days of our vacations weren't funny at all, because the morning was ruined by the rain, so we couldn't go out, but after a couple days, it was sunny all day, and we enjoyed the beach and the nature.  We visited Isla Mujeres and Playa del Carmen, because those places were recommended by many people to us, so we didn't want to lose that opportunity.  At Christmas, we celebrated with some best friends of my sister, my aunt and my cousin.  On New Year's day, a couple of americans joined us to spend the night with us, and they were very friendly, without any doubts, it was the best holiday ever.


Two years ago I went to the United States for the first time, I felt very excited because that was my dream.
I visited three states there, Philadelphia, New York and Chicago, but now I want to talk about my stay in one of the cities. New York City has been called many things, but for me the name that represents it is the city that never sleeps.
I think that being there is one of the best things that has happened to me in life, I was getting to know very famous places that are the essentials of a tourist. each place had something in particular, the streets walked by many people in time square and central park, the observatory above the empire state, people boarding the subway, I visited museums like MOMA, MET among others, I walked along 5th avenue and I photographed everything I could. It was an incredible experience and I plan to return soon.

HI! now I am going to talk about my travel to merida for first time in my live, I was 11 years old but i remember that very clear because I was so excited....
i have not traveled a lot since i was born , that is the reason i did not have any razon what or how merida looks,when my family and me get there I realized that  I have some family there and they were completely unfamiliar to me anyway I had a lot of fun all the time, we really enjoy the beach so due to the sun I got burned my skin to much... but  I tried to ignore it although it hurt me :)
I ate many  things like shrimp,fish and other i did not remeber as much as I could also I picked up some seashell because I used to collect them, during the trip I had some differents experiences every single moment was so good pleasant but there is one that is not hilarious and was so kind o weird well my ankle was bite by a little grab an it did not feel good , i think only was a little corious grab that had ravenous and desesperated for getting some food though deffinetely my ankle was not a kind of food.... finally it was one of the best experiences on my lige and I expect in the future to go one more time. :) it was made by jessica montserrat galdamez Ruiz 1 A

Why i think Borderlands is one of the best games for playing with friends

As soon as I fired up the looter shooter I was greeted with a simultaneously understated yet awesome opening cinematic. My friend kike, and co-op partner in crime, decided it warranted multiple viewings. We chose our characters, decked them out with a small selection of customization options, and began our new adventure. I picked Maya the Siren, because I like to have control of the enemies and help my friends. He chose the Commando, Axton, because he enjoys using automated turrets to obliterate his enemies.
Borderlands 2 is built specifically for cooperative play. The main menu doubles as a matchmaking lobby, displaying what your friends are doing, what classes they are playing, and what mission they are working on. Starting a local or online co-op session is simple. I’ll sum it up by saying that you can play online with up to four players, locally with two players via split screen, and the game supports combo co-op. This means my friend and I can play split screen with two other online players. We can even take our local game online with another couple who are also playing split screen. Yes, that’s four players on two systems. 
Our story begins with- wait, wait, wait. I’m not going to ruin the story for you. You’ll want to experience it for yourself. While the original Borderlands had some great writing and colorful humor, at times it lacked direction and had a rather anticlimactic ending. Sure, the DLCs expanded on the fiction of Pandora, but the core game’s plot was a little disjointed.
Borderlands 2 still features the same absurd, over-the-top-humor. Non player characters (NPCs) are animated, making them feel like more than just a Bounty Board with a face. Some characters actually walk around Sanctuary, the main city and your home.
All of the major NPCs from the first Borderlands make an appearance, including some favorites from the DLC packages. You’ll encounter Claptrap, Scooter, Marcus, and many more, new and old. They’re all written well and often hilarious. This helps disguise the fact that most missions they'll send you on are simple fetch quests that include murderizing all the bad guys in the area. The original Vault Hunters are also incorporated into the story, and they are used remarkably well. 
You are going to love-hate this guy. 
One of the shining stars of Borderlands 2 is Handsome Jack, the villainous, sharp-tongued leader of the Hyperion Corporation. While the original Borderlands lacked a proper antagonist, Jack is the perfect embodiment of an omniscient evil. His giant space station looms over Pandora like a futuristic Eye of Sauron. He’ll frequently contact you through your ECHO device (basically a phone) to hurl insults and mock your efforts.
Once we were armed and had talked to a few characters we sunk our teeth into the actual game. Like the first Borderlands, our action skills didn’t unlock until we reached level five. As soon as my Phase lock skill popped I began to build the character that complimented my play style. Certain classes lend themselves toward particular strategies and weapons, but if you want to build a rocket Assassin or a shotgun Siren, feel free to experiment. You can always respec (reset) skill points for a small fee. 
The gameplay of Borderlands 2 is familiar, yet refined. I played the game solo, as part of a duo, and with three and four players. As a single player game, I found the game to be a satisfying treasure hunt. I took my time and explored the wilderness of Pandora. Gone are the brown junkyards and barren wastelands. Okay, there are still plenty of  junkyards and wastelands, but now green vistas and icy tundras break up the desolate landscapes. The lonely Pandoran twang of the music was familiar, and when the rhythm stepped up I knew I was in for a real fight. For my solo run I played as Zer0, the Assassin. His ability to snipe and displace using his Deception cloaking skill is great for solo play. Also, he’s a ninja. So there. 
Pablo Isaac Trujillo Rodriguez 1ro A

First trip to the lakes of Monte Bello By: Saraí Jiménez Martínez 1"A"

Lakes of Montebello Chiapas is a National Park created for the conservation of soils.The park is located within the boundaries of two municipalities, La Trinitaria and Independencia, in the state of Chiapas,  I visited the lakes last summer together with my family. we had never gone like this because we decided to hire a tour guide, the lakes have guides that are the same inhabitants of the place obviously certified to be able to take a walk.

First  my family and I went to take a raft tour and go to each of the lakes take lots of pictures, the rafters of the place give tours that cost from $ 100 to $ 300 mxn depending on the duration of the same. I did not swim in the lakes because the water was cold for me but it is possible to swim if you want.In this place you can make tours in rustic rafts that the inhabitants themselves have made with pine trunks, you can also practice camping and walk even walking.
I recommend you bring a towel and sunscreen if you want to take a bath in one of the lakes, they allow you to bathe in Tziscao and montebello, in pojoj and 5 lakes. 

Then my family and I bougth souvenirs from the stores that it sells there and we ate chiapaneca food and finally at night we returned to San Cristobal to rest

This place is one of the most beautiful I've known; the experience of rafting on the lake is wonderful. Personally, I had never seen such a beautiful color in the water, the workers who are in the rafts are not a company if not local people that pleased me a lot, the route and the explanations they give you are adequate.

I am from Oaxaca and I have been to Chiapas many times but I have never been to the lakes and it has been one of the best trips I have had in my life,If you have not gone and have the opportunity to go I recommend them.

Trip to the Lacandon jungle. By Valeria Gómez Enríquez.

During my high school, my group and I went to different places in the state of Chiapas, my two favorites were the trip to practice Adventure tourism and the other one to the Lacandon jungle.
On the first trip we went to Tziscao lake and Xbulanja, in Tziscao we did kayaking and in Xbulanja we did rafting, during these two activities I was very scared but after do in it I was very happy for the experience I had just lived.
Years later, in our last semester we went to different places near or in the Lacandon jungle, the first place we visited was Tonina, there we walked a lot but at the end all that effort was worth it , also we had a very nice guide I don’t remember his name but I remember that he told us that he worked with the people who discovered the ruins also he showed us everything that was found during the excavations.
Then we camp at a campsite in Metzabok, we spend the night there, the next day we woke up early to visit the lagoon, on that they we met Don Juanito, a native Lacandon he barely spoke Spanish but his son helped us to communicated with him, they took us to the other side of the lagoon and after that we walked to a viewpoint that was at the top of the hill, there we also walked a lot, during our walked Don Juanito was showing us different plants and the different uses they have, it was awesome.
The next day we went to Bonampak to see the ruins and the murals that are there, our guide explained us a little bit of the history of the people that lived there, all the wars and the meanings of the murals.
Those are some of my favorites places we visited on this trip, I remember this trip with great love because it was the last one we did as a group and we had a great time doing the different activities and getting to know new places and new people. 

The end of something, Ernest Hemingway

By Karla Ruíz